Лекция Анжелины Лученто. Модернизм США в СССР.

22.03.2016 в 19:00 в Центре современного искусства КГФ.

Modernism from the United States to the Soviet Union. Discussion and coffee break.

Лекция Анжелины Лученто (кандидат искусствоведения, Чикаго – ВШЭ) о влиянии американского искусства на советское в 1920-30-е годы.

Внимание – Лекция пройдет на английском языке.


This talk describes the history of modern art in the United States in relation to major avant-garde trends in Europe and the USSR.

It describes the significance of the period of economic crisis in the 1930s, referred to as the Great Depression, on the turn to realism in Modern American art.

It also shows how the Great Depression provided the impetus for a series of exchanges between American and Soviet artists, that would have been unthinkable before 1929.

The talk focuses particular attention on the influence of American-Soviet cultural exchange on the evolution of Late Modernism.

It also describes the significance of the contributions of African-American artists, and describes their particular role in early Soviet-American cultural relations.

Speaker – Angelina Lucento. PhD (Chicago – HSE)


Лекция Анжелины Лученто. Модернизм США в СССР.
Информация (на 18.03.2016):

Центр современного искусства КГФ.

Адрес: проспект Вернадского, дом 88.

Проезд до станции метро «Юго-Западная».

Начало: 22.03.2016 в 19:00

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